
Why should you ride forward-down? Read the answer in this paper by Dr. Gerd Heuschmann, a famous German veterinarian.

The following books I can recommend for further reading in the Art of Riding:

Akademische Reitkunst, B. Branderup. Uitgeverij Cadmos, ISBN: 3-86127-394-2
(Language: Danish, German)

Das gymnasium des pferdes, G. Steinbrecht. Uitgeverij Tirion, ISBN: 978-90-5210-445-4
(Language: English, Dutch, German, ..)

Barockes reiten, Gueriniere. Uitgeverij Cadmos, ISBN: 3-86127-424-8
(Language: Danish, German)

Renaissance Reiten, Pluvinel. Uitgeverij Cadmos, ISBN: 3-86127-381-0
(Language: Danish, German)

The complete training of horse and rider in the principles of classical horsemanship, Alois Podhajsky. Uitgeverij Willshire Publications, ISBN: 10-0879802359
(Language: English)

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